Richard I. Sternberg, D.O., F.C.C.P.

Residency: Overlook Hospital/Columbia University, Internal Medicine
Fellowship: University of Cincinnati, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Board certifications:
Internal Medicine
Pulmonary Diseases
Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Dr. Sternberg has been practicing Pulmonary/ Critical Care in Hamilton, Ohio since 1993. He is the founding partner and President and CEO of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine Associates. Dr. Sternberg has had multiple leadership positions at Fort Hamilton Hospital including President of the Medical Staff. His clinical interests include COPD, asthma, Allergy and ARDS. He is also board certified in Hospice and Palliative Care Medicine and is the Medical Director of both Hospice of SouthWest Ohio and the CareBridge Palliative Care program in Southwest Ohio and was named a "Top Doctor" by Cincinnati Magazine on multiple occasions.
Richard and Rhonda Sternberg have 4 grown children. In rare moments of free time they enjoy golf, tennis and swimming.
Michael I. Gabrilovich, M.D., Ph.D., F.C.C.P.

Residency: Medical College of Wisconsin, Internal Medicine
Fellowship: Case Western Reserve University, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Board certifications:
Internal Medicine
Pulmonary Diseases
Critical Care Medicine
Dr. Gabrilovich ("Dr. G") finished medical school, an Infectious Disease Fellowship, and critical care training in Russia before coming to the US. After completion of his Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship in Cleveland he practiced in Canton before joining PCCSM in 2011. He serves as Medical Director of ICU, Center for Advanced Endoscopy and the Early Lung Cancer Screening Program at Fort Hamilton Hospital and is the current Chief of Staff.
Dr. Gabrilovich has special interests and expertise in advanced procedures used in the diagnosis and management of thoracic malignancies, sarcoidosis and asthma. These procedures include electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy, EBUS, endobronchial debunking and stenting, bronchial thermoplasty, pleural disease management, endobronchial valve placements etc. He obtained additional training in advanced procedures in Germany and Belgium. Dr. G is one of the few physicians in the region certified in critical care ultrasound by the American College of Chest Physicians. He was named a "Top Doctor" by Cincinnati Magazine and listed as Ohio Top Doctor on multiple occasions. Dr. Gabrilovich enjoys teaching and is a Clinical Associate Professor at Ohio University School of Medicine.
Michael and Tatyana Gabrilovich have 3 kids and 2 dogs. In their free time they enjoy reading and travel. You can see photographs of their travels throughout our office.
"...The shifting change and growth in minimal invasive diagnostics has ushered in a new era of providing diagnostics of lung nodules and lymph nodes without surgery. Once thought to be the domain of large universities in major cities, the technology and expertise needed for nodule management, diagnostics, and for lymph node diagnosis and cancer staging is present in the Miami Valley. Patients can receive the most state of the art diagnostics in their home town secondary to the skill of experts in Advanced Bronchoscopy like Dr. Gabrilovich"
D. Kyle Hogarth, MD, Professor of Medicine, Director of Bronchoscopy, University of Chicago, Past President, Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy
Oluwole O.A. Onadeko, M.D., F.C.C.P.

Residency: University of Pittsburgh, Internal Medicine
Fellowship: University of Arizona, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Ohio State University, Sleep Medicine
Board certifications:
Internal Medicine
Pulmonary Diseases
Critical Care Medicine
Sleep Medicine
Obesity Medicine
Dr. Onadeko ( "Dr. Wole") attended medical school in Ibadan, Nigeria. He completed his internal medicine residency at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center where he won numerous awards including being named intern and resident of the year during each year of training. He was the Assistant Professor of Medicine at University of Arizona for 3 years. After that Dr. Onadeko decided to pursue a career in Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. He completed his Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship at the University of Arizona and his Sleep Medicine Fellowship at Ohio State University. He is a member of numerous medical societies and has presented at national meetings. Dr. Onadeko was named a "Top Doctor" by Cincinnati Magazine and listed as Ohio Top Doctor on multiple occasions.
Dr. Onadeko cares for a broad range of patients with pulmonary, critical care and sleep disorders. He has special expertise in complex diseases of sleep and is board certified in Obesity Medicine. He is the Medical Director of the Fort Hamilton Hospital Sleep Center and is the current hospital Chair of the Department of Medicine.
David R. DiNuoscio, M.D., F.C.C.P.

Residency: Summa Health System, Akron, Ohio, Internal Medicine
Fellowship: University of South Florida, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Board certifications:
Internal Medicine
Pulmonary Diseases
Critical Care Medicine
Dr. DiNuoscio was born and raised in West Chester, Ohio and returned to practice in the area. He completed his training in Tampa, where he served as Chief Fellow in his final year of fellowship. He sees a variety of pulmonary patients and performs an array of procedures, including navigational bronchoscopy and EBUS. His clinical areas of interest include general Pulmonary Medicine with an interest in Interstitial Lung Disease. He enjoys working in the ICU and is extensively trained in Ultrasound utilization in the Intensive Care Unit. Dr. DiNuoscio serves as a Medical Director of Respiratory Care at Fort Hamilton Hospital and, as all of his partners, was named a "Top Doctor" by Cincinnati Magazine.
David DiNuoscio and his wife Jacqueline have three sons. In his spare time he enjoys reading and various sports, including running and golfing.